Monday, February 28, 2011

Thoughts of randomness

The Academy Awards were ok.  It was great to see Trent Reznor win.  Otherwise the night was very ho-hum.

It appears as Barack Obama has broken a 2007 capmpaign promise to walk picket lines with workers fighting to keep collective bargaining right. 

A Josh Groban concert has been anounced for Consol Energy Center in Pittsburgh.  Tickets range from $81-99.  Really?  In this economy?

Charlie, knock of the juvenille crap.  Two and a Half Men pays you a reported $1.2 million per episode.  Get your life together dude.  And forget about Major League 4. It does not need to happen.

Harry Reid is still a giant doucherocket.

American Idol must go.  Its best days are far behind.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Random thoughts

Harry Reid is a giant doucherocket.

Congressman Jim Matheson (Utah) need to leave the porn alone!  No tax for adult websites!

There is a team who will pay Albert Pujols $30 million per season.  It may not be St. Louis, but someone will do it.

I wish I could say I feel sorry for Chicago...but it was their ignorance which allowed Rahm Emanuel to be elected.

In the long run, the Utah Jazz will come out ahead with the Deron trade.

Is there a show worse than Jersey Shore?

NCIS: Los Angeles sucks. Hard.

Lindsay Lohan needs to run off with Charlie Sheen.

Tiger Woods is done as a top golfer.

Dr. Kermit Gosnell has a cell reserved for him in the darkest, most sadistic level of Hell.

Cam Newton will not live up to the hype.

I don't know what the future holds for Egypt, but they are off to a good start.

Good luck Lybia.

Once again, the liberal media draws attention to Rush Limbaugh after some over-the-top comments.  They won't ever learn this attention is good for Limbaugh, will they?

That's it for today.  Time for coffee.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Some Grammy Predictions

Record of the Year:
will win: "Empire State of Mind" -- Jay Z & Alicia Keyes
should win: "Fuck You" -- Cee Lo Green
note: where is "Bad Romance" in this category?

Album of the Year
will win: Need You Now -- Lady Antebellum
should win: Recovery -- Eminem

Best New Artist
will win: Justin Bieber
should win: Drake
note: even as obnoxious as Ke$ha is, she should have been in this category

Perfromace PopDuo/Group
will win: "Hey, Soul Sister" -- Train
should win: Train

Hard Rock Performance
will win: "Black Rain" -- Soundgarden
should win: "Let Me Hear You Scream"-- Ozzy Osbourne

Metal Performance
will win: "Sudden Death" -- Megadeth
should win: "World Painted Blood" -- Slayer
note: why is the award only televised if Metallica is nominated, which they aren't this year?

Best Rock Album
will win: Le Noise -- Neil Young
should win: Resistance -- Muse

Best Rap Album
will win: Recovery -- Eminem
should win: Eminem

Best Music Video, Short Form
will win: "Stylo" -- Gorillaz
should win: "Bad Romance" -- Lady Gaga

Best Soundtrack Album, Motion Picture/Televsion
will win: Crazy Heart
should win: Crazy Heart

Best Contemporary Gospel Album
will win: Beauty Will Rise -- Stephen Curtis Chapman
should win: Tonight -- Toby Mac

Pop Performance, Male
will win: "This is It" -- Michael Jackson
should win: Michael Jackson

Country Collaboration
will win: "Bad Angel" -- Dierks Bently, Miranda Lambert, Jamey Johnson
should win: "I Run to You" -- Marty Stuart & Connine Smith

Best Comedy Album
will win: Stark Raving Black -- Lewis Black
should win: Weapons of Self Destruction -- Robin Williams
note: the other nominees here are: Margaret Cho (wait..who??), Kathy Griffin (really?) and Flight of the Conchords (ummmm...)... with all due respect to Black and Willaims, aren't people nominated in this category supposed to actually be funny?  where are Ron White or Jeff Dunham?

Monday, February 7, 2011

what, no Tele Promptr?

I remember having to learn the words to "The Star Spangled Banner" in second grade.  Last night, before Super Bowl XLV, a multi-Grammy Award winning artist with an incredible voice botched the lyrics to the song in front of an international audience which well exceeded 100 million people.  It was the biggest blonde moment since Jessica Simpson's "chicken of the sea" confusion.  The embarrassment should not be limited to Ms. Aguilera, however.  Every American should be embarrassed and ashamed.  What do you think went through the minds of the men and women of the Armed Forces who were in attendance last night?  (Or watching on TV for that matter?) I bet it was very similar to what went through my mind.  The mock cheer from the crowd when she recovered and started singing the correct words was well deserved.  I never thought a person singing at the Super Bowl would need to have the lyrics to the "Star Spangled Banner" in front of her, but after February 6, 2011, maybe it's time to do just that.  But then again, we'd have to assume the pop stars actually learned to read.  After all, they aren't able to remember the words to the National Anthem.